Thursday, May 27, 2010

But what does it all mean

I only have a moment before I will begin making dinner. I plan on a longer post tomorrow. Before I leave.

I just wanted to share a brief story. I haven't had much time to talk to God about it, but I feel as though it's important enough to share anyways. Maybe I'll figure it out one of these days!

Remember how I said I live in a bubble? One that I don't step out of often out of fear, or whatever? Well, yesterday when I got to the university the weather looked perfect! I raised my windows, but only partially because the sign on the bank said it was 89 degrees. Although I knew there was a chance for rain, I didn't bother raising them all the way. So I'm sitting, staring at the machine as always and the janitor walks in the take the trash. He's always been very friendly, but a simple hello was more than enough conversation for me in the past. I'm not sure why, but I felt the need to talk to him. Being the semi-awkward person that I am, I asked about the weather, knowing it was nice. He assured me that it was nice and told me to have a good day. I told him the same and he left.

About 5 minutes later, he walked back in and said that he felt he should come let me know that it had started to pour. Bad. I told him that my windows were open and I quickly jumped up and ran out. When I was running through the rain, getting very soaked, I started thinking about dancing in the rain. I wasn't by any means dancing, but I was standing in the pouring rain, getting soaked, thinking about God and I smiled and laughed. When I walked back in, the janitor was grabbing the trash out of the grad student offices and although I was dripping, I had a smile on my face and I earnestly thanked him. He said it wasn't a problem.

I'm not sure what compelled me to talk to him. I'm not sure why on earth he'd come back to tell me it was raining. He didn't know my windows were open, but God did. I have to believe that God takes care of me, even when I don't ask. They say God works in mysterious ways, I'd have to agree.

Today, I stayed a little later than usual again and again he came in to get the trash. A little less awkward, I thanked him and asked for his name. Kentay :) Of course, I'm not sure how you spell it. We chatted briefly. As it turns out, I used to ride the bus with his younger twin brothers. One, of whom, I ran into just the other day, who showed me the same friendly kindness. I never talked to them when we rode the bus together, remember that bubble? However, it didn't stop them from being nice to me.

I'm glad I talked to Kentay yesterday and made an effort to chat with him today. I hope that I've shown him the same kindness he's shown me. I hope that there's a higher purpose than just saving the interior of my car, but if there's not, I do think I've taken the first step out of my box. Which I'm sure will come in handy as I leave everything and everyone this weekend :))

Goodbye for now! Salmon for dinner :)

I love you...very much

And in case you were wondering, I'm not going to re-read before I post. Second time now!

1 comment:

  1. Hebrews 13:2
    Check out the lyrics to More To This Life (Steven Curtis Chapman)
    I see you growing
