It's Tuesday! Know what that means? 2 days left until no more class! And 3 until my birthday! And 9 until they set me loose on summer :)) I have been looking forward to this since last summer. I am SO excited. I don't know what I'm going to do just yet, but in due time all will be revealed! And I must say, I've never been so excited to not have a plan or any kind of idea of where I'll be. If you know me, it's a pretty big step since I like to schedule just about everything. Especially the big things! But it's a whole new kind of exciting.
It's been a few days since I've written anything, and for that I'm sorry. Sunday, Megs and I saw Putnam County Spelling Bee, which was phenomenal! So funny...and I do love musicals. Then I attempted to work on homework before going to climb and to bible study. Bible study, by the way, was also awesome! Not a discussion, but just listening. A man came to talk about his life and how God had blessed him even when he didn't know it yet. I found out about this incredible organization that the man's daughter recently started called Vision for Peace. Check it out for yourself at!!
I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to get across today, but hopefully God helps me figure it out by the time I'm done.
Something that I've been thinking about lately is children, lol. Not for me! But in general. I love them. I know I've mentioned this before, but today I have a point, I think. Whenever there are little kids around, it's seriously like a magnetic force I can't control! Last week when Meg's and I finally got to meet baby Mara, I couldn't have waited another minute to hold her. I really do think that it's incredible to watch her. She's so small :)) I love watching her be completely human in such a tiny little package. She has facial expressions and stretches and sneezes and yawns! Everything about her is so miniature and perfect. And she sleeps, a lot! And I wondered what it is she dreams about all day long. We dream about things that we know and have seen, but what does she know? What has she seen? for thought.
What are my favorite things about babies? They're magnificent and they have no idea. They are more loved than anything! And there's not a doubt in my mind that this is true. There's not anything I wouldn't do if Mara was crying or in pain to make her peaceful again. But more so than me, her parents would go to the ends of the earth to give her what she wanted in general. As a baby, she is completely helpless and her parents know that and are willing to drop anything to hold her or comfort her or feed her or change her, whatever she needs!
As she gets older, she'll think that she can do it on her own. The first time she rides a bike and falls or when she gets her first crush. When she gets to be old enough to drive and make decisions for herself, she'll think she can handle it and may ask for help from her parents, but probably not. I didn't. She'll grow up and fall in love with someone and leave her family to start her own. As she grows up, she'll need them less and less, which may end up making her think that they love her less and less, but really, they never stopped. The second she asks for help in anything, I know that her parents would be there for her, who wouldn't? But unlike when she's a baby, her parents know that she can make decisions for herself and won't pressure her or be on her constantly. They'll help when they're called. At the first cry for help, they'll be there.
Get it? When we're babies, we're helpless. But God is always there. God loves kids! More than I do! And who couldn't? We were perfect, innocent, loving, imaginative, adventurous, enthusiastic, spirited and so much more! And as children, we are mostly ignorant to how we get through as long as we do, but God is always there. And as we get older, we think we can do it on our own. Sometimes we can, but not forever. Life happens and we'll be crying again and there's nothing like comfort from someone who loves us unconditionally. At our first cry, He'll be there. But we have to be humble enough to know we can't do it without Him. To know, just as child, that our every need will be met when we earnestly call for Him.
So what does this mean? "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven," Matthew 18:3-4. Exactly that. In order to enter the kingdom of God we have to be like children who know that they can't do it alone and aren't too proud to ask for help. Who are innocent and ever loving. It doesn't mean we have to be perfect. Children can also be selfish and tempermental, but they are God's. And just like parent's respond to the a child's cry, so will God to ours.
For the rest of this week, I want to pray to be as humble as a child, to return to a weaker state of mind that knows that I am nothing without the help of a higher power. That I remember that He loves me more than I will ever know or comprehend, and that He's always there for me. That I'm not too proud to ask for help with the simplest of tasks or at the slightest sight of struggle. To thank Him for the tasks that I can't complete on my own so that I remember to whom I belong. And that I have the innocence and love of a child and that I can be as spirited and enthusiastic about life and God as they are.
Thanks for reading. I tried to keep it brief, although I think it took me just as long as normal to write, lol. I hope I made the point God intended for me to make and that you read exactly what you needed to. I hope that we all can grow to be more like children. And my final hope for this week (and life in general) is that when I get ahead of myself, I can close my eyes and think good thoughts and be taken back to where I need to be, with God!
Thought I was gonna say Neverland huh? Tricked ya! :)) I'm too funny...
High moment for today? My mom defended her thesis earlier and passed! Congrats to Momma Maria :)) You're going to be a wonderful teacher!
I love you! All of you, not just my mom, lol
yoou're wonderful.